Beehive Industries is a global leader in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing (3DP/AM) products and services for the Investment Casting industry. Beehive utilizes leading CAD/3DP Software to design and 3D print patterns in wax, PMMA, and SLA, Direct Print ceramic cores and molds. Beehive's Direct Print Ceramic (DPC) Cores require no molds to produce a variety of casting cores for Superalloy Single Crystal, Directionally Solidified and Equiax components used in Aero-engine, Space, Power Generation and Military applications. Beehive is the North American distributor for Blayson Olefines Wax Products. Beehive is the North American sales representative of LBBC Technologies Boilerclave(tm) and Leaching Autoclave systems and Spare Parts distribution managers. Beehive provides pressurized and open-bath core leaching and cleaning services; consulting, and GOM ATOS Metrology services.